Since October, Harry has been telling me that he wanted a Phineas and Ferb party. He had a lot of plans, including me making "Phineas and Ferb suits" for everyone. (I told him I wouldn't be able to do that, but maybe I could make Perry hats.) Anyway, I had a whole Phineas and Ferb party planned, (including a scavenger hunt based on the theme song. I need to remember to give Frankenstein's brain back to Steph!) and about three weeks before his party, he let me know he now wanted a dragon and knight party. (He got an awesome dragon castle from Grandma and Grandpa Yeager, which was also in the playroom at the hospital. It's pretty much the only thing he remembers about being in the hospital and is definitely his number one favorite toy.) So, feeling slightly panicked with the quickly approaching party date, I scrapped the Phineas and Ferb party and threw together a dragon and knight party. I think it turned out pretty great.
The first request that Harry had was a pinata. I found a good tutorial for a dragon pinata here. Some changes I made were to use a flour and water mixture for the paper mache'. (Two cups of flour and two and a half cups of water.) Also, I just used newspaper, no craft paper. And I definitely do NOT reccomend drying it in front of a space heater. I put it in front of a fan overnight, which worked really well. The kids really liked making it. Jack said how fun it was. I replied that it was messy, and he said, "It's fun because it's messy!"
At the party, the kids decorated poster board shields. (I traced a toy shield from the Dollar Tree.) Then they armed themselves with these inflatable swords to get ready for "The Quest." (Big thanks to Steph for ordering them with her Prime account so they got here in time for the party!) "The Quest" was the game. It started with pin the flame on the dragon, which I made from construction paper. Then, the kids needed to collect boulders (balloons with candy in them,) knock down the castle wall (big cardboard bricks,) collect the dragon eggs from the nest (spray painted Easter eggs filled with candy,) and capture the dragon (the pinata.)
Cory made an amazing dragon cake. (I wish that the people of Coles County had a great need for party planning. Then I could have a job planning parties, and Cory could make all of the cakes for the parties. If only...) The food was dragon wings (chicken wings,) dragon claws (Bugles,) fruit swords, dragon scales (chips,) veggies, cheese and crackers, dragon eggs (Jello jiggler eggs,) and dragon egg punch (cran-apple juice and Sprite with egg shaped ice cubes made in the Jello egg mold and my develed egg tray.) Harry had so much fun! Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate his special day! Here are a bunch more pictures!
Here's a list of websites where I got party ideas:
my Pinterest birthday board
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