Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Groundhog Day!

For the past few days, Jack, who wants to celebrate everything, has been asking what our big plans were for celebrating Groundhog Day. (Seriously, two days ago, he asked how we were going to celebrate it being the last day of January.) My reply that we would read Ten Grouchy Groundhogs did not impress him. (Side note: Why is it that I happened upon the groundhog book 148 times in the weeks before today, but couldn't find it anywhere when we actually needed it? I ended up stealing an extra copy from the box o books that are meant to be gifts. Oh well!) So to make it seem more of an occasion, the boys and I decided to make groundhog cupcakes. We have a family of groundhogs living near our backyard, two parents and their ten, yes ten, offspring. So, step one for groundhog cupcakes was setting out the groundhog traps. Just kidding! The part about the groundhog family living near us was true, but, instead, we tried these Fun-da-middles cupcakes that I got for a crazy good deal at the salvage store. Jack has been begging me to make them, so it seemed like the perfect occasion. Harry and Jack helped bake and decorate the treats, and nothing makes it seem like a party like cake, right? So here's to six more weeks of winter and having a party just because you can! Now I need to get the kids to bed so Cory and I can enjoy some Bill Murray goodness that I forgot that I bought at a yard sale a few months ago :)

Addie liked the cupcakes too!

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