Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Back to School!

All three kids have been back in school for a few weeks! Jack for like 3 weeks, and the little kids for about 2 weeks. It has taken me a long time to finally write about it!

Jack is in second grade this year. He is really enjoying it. He loves science and library. He knew a few kids from last year and has already made a few new friends :) This is his second year at this school, so he feels like an old pro!
Here are some pictures of my big kid on the first day!

Harry is back with the same class and wonderful teachers he's been with since turning three. This is his last year before kindergarten, and I will admit, I got a little teary when I realized that he is one of the oldest kids in the class this year. (Only two other kids returned from last year.) It seems like just yesterday, I was taking my tiny three year old to a class full of big kids. Now he is one of the big kids! Crazy! It has been a bit of an adjustment for him this year. His bff/wife (they got married at Pizza Hut last year ;) is a year older than him, and is in kidergarten this year. He has been in the same class as Ave for the past two years, and was pretty sad when he realized she wouldn't be there this year. Also, being back at school increases his chances of getting ill. So, if you could keep him staying healthy in your prayers, we would really aprreciate it. :) Especially for strep throat (which is what started everything,) and pinkeye (that poor kid's eyes just can't handle any more problems!)

Addie is back at school too! She went for the fall semester last year, but took a sabatical for the spring to work on her book. (Or, she was too young for the spring program.) She is going three days a week and loving it! They have an observation room that allows me to sneak a peek without her knowing. I've watched a few times. It is fun to see how she plays and interacts with other kids when I'm not around. Plus, with her in school, that means I have five and a half kid free hours each week (but who's counting?) And, at least one of those days, Cory will have off! The first week all the kids were in school, we went out to breakfast one day! Without kids! Like a date! Awesome!

Hopefully, with my kid free time, I will get two giveaways up in the next few days. So, check back for those!

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